VPN for Destiny 2

VPN for Destiny 2: Should You Use it Or Not?

If you’re diving deep into the world of Destiny 2, you know that smooth gameplay is crucial for surviving in the game’s expansive universe. Whether you’re trying to take down a raid boss with your fireteam or dominate in the Crucible, nothing ruins the experience faster than lag. This is where the idea of using a VPN for Destiny 2 comes into play. But is a VPN really the magic bullet for your Destiny 2 connection woes? Should you use a VPN for gaming or not? Let’s explore that together.

What’s Destiny 2 All About?

Let’s take a quick look at what makes Destiny 2 as a multiplayer game such a unique experience. Developed by Bungie, Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer first-person shooter set in a rich, mythic sci-fi world. You, as a Guardian, are tasked with defending Earth’s last city from various alien threats. With a mix of PvP and PvE content, from intense multiplayer matches to deep, lore-rich campaigns, the game offers something for everyone.

But, like any online game, Destiny 2 isn’t without its issues. Network latency, server location restrictions, and connection stability can sometimes turn an epic session into a frustrating experience. Enter the VPN.

Why Use a VPN for Destiny 2?

You might be wondering and hesitating, “should I use a VPN for Destiny 2 while playing?” Here are some of the main reasons most players like you may consider VPN for Destiny 2 to:

1. Reducing Network Latency

One of the most common reasons players turn to VPNs is to reduce lag or improve connection stability. If your internet service provider (ISP) has less-than-stellar routing to Destiny 2’s servers, a VPN might help by providing a more direct or faster route. The idea is that by connecting to a VPN server closer to Destiny 2’s game servers, you might shave off those precious milliseconds of delay, making your gameplay smoother. But this seems to be a misunderstanding because VNP won’t be helpful for latency issues and bad network.

2. Changing Location

Another reason players use a VPN is to change their in-game location. Maybe you’re trying to connect with friends in another part of the world, or perhaps you want to access a server that’s less crowded. By masking your IP address and connecting to a server in a different region, a VPN can make it appear as though you’re playing from another part of the world.

3. Bypassing ISP Throttling

Some ISPs throttle your connection when they detect gaming or streaming traffic, which can result in slower speeds and higher latency. A VPN can help you avoid this by encrypting your traffic, making it harder for your ISP to identify and throttle your connection.

My Experience with VPNs in Destiny 2

Now, let’s get personal for a moment. I’ve tried using a VPN while playing Destiny 2, and my experience has been a mixed bag. On some occasions, I noticed a significant reduction in lag, especially during peak gaming hours when my local ISP tends to get congested. Connecting to a nearby VPN server did help stabilize my connection, and I was able to enjoy smoother gameplay, especially in high-stakes activities like Trials of Osiris.

However, it’s not always sunshine and roses. There were times when the VPN actually made things worse. Certain servers increased my ping, causing more lag than before. Plus, there’s always the risk of getting disconnected if the VPN drops, which can be a real pain during a raid or a Crucible match.

Destiny 2 Ping

Potential Problems When Using a VPN for Destiny 2

Before you rush to install a VPN, it’s important to consider the potential downsides:

1. Increased Latency

While the goal of using a VPN is often to reduce lag, it can sometimes have the opposite effect. If the VPN server you choose is too far from Destiny 2’s servers or your actual location, you might end up with higher ping, resulting in more lag.

2. Server Disconnects

VPN connections can be unstable, especially if you’re using a free or low-quality service. If your VPN connection drops, it can kick you out of your Destiny 2 session, which is frustrating if you’re in the middle of an intense raid or competitive match.

3. Compatibility Issues

Destiny 2 has a robust anti-cheat system, and while using a VPN isn’t cheating, frequent changes in IP addresses can raise red flags. This doesn’t mean you’ll get banned, but there’s a risk that the system might flag your account for review if it detects unusual activity.

When and How to Use a VPN in Destiny 2

If you decide to give a VPN a try, here are some tips:

  • Choose a Reliable VPN: Not all VPNs are created equal. Look for one with high-speed servers and a strong reputation for gaming performance such as Express VPN and Bear VPN.
  • Select a Nearby Server: To minimize latency, choose a VPN server that’s geographically close to Destiny 2’s game servers.
  • Test Different Servers: If one server isn’t working well, try switching to another. It might take some trial and error to find the best connection.
  • Use It Wisely: Consider using a VPN during peak hours when your connection is most congested, or when trying to connect with friends in other regions.

Should You Use a VPN for Destiny 2?

So, is a VPN worth it for Destiny 2? The short answer is, it depends. If you’re struggling with lag, dealing with ISP throttling, or want to connect with friends in different regions, a VPN could be a helpful tool. However, it’s not a guaranteed fix and can sometimes introduce new issues like increased latency or connection instability.

FAQs about Using VPN for Destiny 2

Can I Use a VPN for Destiny 2?

The short answer is yes, but with a few caveats. Using a VPN with Destiny 2 is technically possible, and it can help in certain situations, like reducing network latency or changing your in-game location. However, it’s important to note that Bungie, the developer of Destiny 2, does not officially endorse or support VPN usage, and using one might not always result in the smooth gameplay you’re hoping for.

Are Destiny 2 Servers Region Locked?

Interestingly, Destiny 2 does not have strict region locking like some other games. However, your matchmaking is generally based on your connection and geographical location, which can sometimes limit your ability to play with friends in different parts of the world. A VPN can help bypass these soft restrictions by allowing you to connect to a different region’s servers, but be aware that this might also lead to increased latency if the chosen server is far from your actual location.

Does Destiny 2 Use Anti-Cheat?

Yes, Destiny 2 has a robust anti-cheat system in place to ensure fair play. Bungie uses tools like BattlEye to monitor and detect cheating activities. While using a VPN is not inherently cheating, it’s important to know that suspicious activities linked to VPN usage (like frequent changes in your IP address) might trigger a review of your account. This doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get banned for using a VPN, but it’s something to be cautious about.

In the end, it’s all about finding what works best for you. Give it a shot, see how it impacts your gameplay, and adjust as needed. Just remember, Guardians, that while a VPN might help you in your Destiny 2 adventures, it’s not a silver bullet. Happy gaming, and may your connection be ever strong!