what is IP Address

What is IP Address and Others You Should Know

Ever wondered how your computer talks to other computers across the globe? Well, it all boils down to a special code called an IP address. Wondering what is IP address? This guide will crack the code on IP addresses, making them clear as day whether you are a noob or a tech wizard.

What is IP Address? (Basics For Newbies)

You don’t need to take an IP address as mystery code at all. Let’s break down what is IP address is and why it matters for connecting to the internet. 

An IP address, or Internet Protocol address in its full name, is a unique identifier assigned to every device connected to a network, such as mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers, and game consoles. Think of an IP address as a postal code in the digital world that helps computers find and communicate with each other. Just like a postal code for your physical address helps the postal service deliver mail without giving out your home address, an IP address guides data packets to the correct destination online.

Now you have a basic understanding of IP address. Maybe you can go a little further about IP addresses by identifying their types. 

Different Types of IP address

It’s mentioned that the IP address is like the address of your home that can be spotlighted on a map, but as you know, you might have many rooms in your home that no map can detect. This goes the same way with IP addresses! Not all IP addresses are created equal. Generally, IP addresses are divided into two categories: Public and Private IPs.

Public IP Address: This is the address visible to the outside world. It’s assigned by your internet service provider (ISP), like Verizon or Google Fiber, and used to identify your device on the internet.

Private IP Address: It’s used within a local network (like your home or office), private IP addresses are not visible to the public internet. A real example is that you can print documents via a wireless connection to your printer at home, but your neighbor won’t send their files to your printer accidentally.

How IP Addresses Work?

IP addresses play a crucial role in Internet communication. Here is how it works

  • Routing: IP addresses guide data packets through the Internet, ensuring they reach the correct destination.
  • Device Identification: Each device on a network has a unique IP address, allowing other devices to recognize and communicate with it.
  • Location Information: While an IP address doesn’t pinpoint your exact location, it can often reveal your approximate geographical region.

What’s My IP Address?

After figuring out what is IP address and how it works, you might be curious about what my IP address is. Can I be found and tracked on the Internet? No worries. Here are some easy ways that you can find your own IP address, including using cool online websites or tools like Bear VPN for an instant IP check or checking your device settings manually.

Bear VPN to Check IP address

Understand The IP Address Format

Whether you are a newbie or a professional, you should read this part to understand the IP address format. Now if you check what is your IP on the website of WhatIsMyIPAddress, you will get a string of numbers like Let’s see how those four numbers separated by dots actually work.

IP addresses are typically written in dotted decimal notation based on the original IP version (IPv4), consisting of four numbers separated by periods, and each number can range from 0 to 255. However, people ran out of IPv4 addresses. To accommodate the increasing number of devices, IPv6 was introduced. It offers a much larger address space, ensuring the internet can continue to expand. IPv6 was written in eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons. So if your ISP assigns you the newer version IP, you may see numbers like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 at the part of My IP Address is on whatismyipaddress.com.

Can You Be Tracked By IP Address?

If what is IP address is not what you care about, here comes the key question: Can someone pinpoint your exact location with your IP address? Well. IP addresses can be a double-edged sword. You have to know that though IP addresses are essential for online activities, they also raise privacy concerns because it’s possible to approximate your location and reveal your general area based on your IP address, which can be a privacy risk. Therefore, be mindful of the information you share online and consider using privacy tools if concerned!

How to Hide Your IP Address?

Find your location is exposed on the Internet after checking your online IP? Don’t fear. In this part, you’ll know how to protect your online privacy when dealing with IP addresses.

Except for protecting your identity and online activities from tracking and surveillance, the following are some common reasons people want to hide their IPs:

  • Accessing Geo-Restricted Content: Bypassing geographic restrictions to access content unavailable in your region.
  • Security: Protecting yourself from hackers and other online threats.
  • Torrenting Anonymously: Some people use VPNs to download torrents anonymously, although it’s essential to check local laws and regulations.

4 Ways to Hide IP Address

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN): This is the most popular and effective way to mask your IP address. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and routes it through a remote server, hiding your real IP address.
  • Proxy Server: A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. It hides your IP address but might not offer the same level of security as a VPN.
  • Tor Browser: This free browser uses a network of relays to mask your IP address, providing a higher level of anonymity. However, it can be slower than a VPN.
  • Public Wi-Fi: Connecting to a public Wi-Fi network will temporarily mask your IP address, but it’s generally less secure than using a VPN.

No matter which one you choose, what matters more than hiding your IP address online is choosing the right method based on your specific needs and priorities, and more importantly, knowing the limitations and security risks of each.


IP addresses are the foundation of the internet. While they might seem complex at first, understanding what is IP address and their basics can help you appreciate how the internet works, and furthermore, you can take steps to check and hide your IP address to protect your online privacy for a better online experience.

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